Today Gaddafi’s soldiers kept on hammering the frontlines with various mortars, artillery and rockets. Though the pounding was constant in Dafnia there was less injuries than you’d expect. On the eastern front, Krarem, on the other hand there was many casualties. From one single Grad-rocket blast the outcome was 13 injured and one dead. The group leader’s rocket burnt body was carried out from the Hekma hospital by a crowd of crying people shouting Allah Akhbar. The total amount of injured was today by 9pm 21. I just heard some news more casualties from Dafnia is coming in.
I’ve learned the libyan people will not lay down their arms. It’s freedom or death. As a rebel friend said to me, My home is on the battle field. And as I sit drinking tea with them in the midst of the pounding artillery, them shouting Allah Akhbar for every incoming and outgoing ordnance, with all the lack of knowledge on warfare and tactics, I’m even more convinced this people will stand a chance in the end. Why? Because they have a reason to do it and because there’s no where else to go.